Thursday, May 13, 2010

Do We Need Minerals in Drinking Water?

There is a rising concern that RO water with low PH is unhealthy. The pH of pure water has nothing to do with the healthiness of water. When you ingest pure water, your body changes the pH to its required level at that time so there is no need to worry. Remember, orange juice is 10,000 times more acidic than RO water, yet it is perfectly healthy!

Is Mineral Water Really Beneficial?

We all heard all this :-

“RO Water is too pure; it takes away all the minerals”;

“We need minerals in our water “;

“Our existing filtered water is rich in minerals”; or

“Mineral water is the best; because it contains all the minerals required by our body”.

This misconception comes from people who do not understand about the chemistry of the Human Body.

Minerals can be divided into organic and inorganic.

Our body chemistry is made up of 19 organic minerals, which the body requires and it must come from a living source or once lived. Even though the soil contains 16 inorganic minerals, our bodies cannot absorb them efficiently enough to sustain life.

Organic Minerals - these are minerals from a living source i.e. fruits, vegetables, grains and eggs. These minerals can be absorbed (assimilated) by our body and form part of our body nutrient requirements.

Inorganic minerals - are those minerals from mother earth i.e. magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium etc.

The human body cannot absorb most minerals from water because they are in inorganic forms. Only plants can absorb inorganic minerals and transform them into organic minerals to nourish our body. Humans cannot convert inorganic minerals into organic minerals. You could lick an iron nail until the cows come home and never extract any organic iron to be used by your blood.

The minerals content in water is very minimal (traces). Therefore the mineral source should be obtained from our food, not drinking water.

(Dr. Edward V. Ohanian - US Environment Protection Agency)

Mineral intake for our body should be from nutrients not liquid. Water is to detoxify; lubricate the joints; support digestive activities,;control body temperature; and facilitate metabolism. Furthermore, water is the most unreliable source of mineral as its inorganic mineral content varies from one municipality to another.

“…. There are two kinds of chemicals, inorganic and organic. The inorganic cannot be absorbed into the living tissues of the body. No human can extract nourishment out of inorganic minerals…”

(Dr. N.W. Walker - Water Can Undermine Your Health)

The inorganic salts (inorganic minerals) are stored and take their toll in the form of hardening of the arteries, stones,within the kidneys, urethras, gall bladder, joints.

(Dr. Paul C. Bragg, - The Shocking Truth About Water)

“Water hardness is the underlying cause of many diseases”

(Dr. Charles Mayo - founder of the Mayo Clinic)

The California Department of Consumer Affairs said ” Highly mineralized water is associated with the formation of stones in the urinary system”.

Remember, minerals are part of our nutritional requirement. Water is not nutrition!
Virtually all minerals in tap water are inorganic, thus they cannot be assimilated well. Even if the minerals in water are organic, we cant get enough minerals for our body's needs just by drinking water.

So do we need minerals in our drinking water?
The answer is NO!!

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